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zope25-KnowledgeKit Automatic creation and maintenance of Knowledge Bases
zope25-LocalFS Local file access for zope
zope25-MailManager Mail management and issue tracking
zope25-MetaPublisher Data table and access form tool
zope25-ParsedXML Allows you to use XML objects in the Zope environment
zope25-Photo Photo object and Photo Folder object
zope25-PropertyFolder The folderish friend of the PropertyObject
zope25-PropertyObject Building database-applications with the ZMI
zope25-RDFSummary Display content from other web sites via RSS
zope25-RenderableCharts Drawings with reportlab's graphics toolkit
zope25-Silva Browser based publication system
zope25-Squishdot News publishing and discussion product for Zope
zope25-StripoGram Converting HTML to Plain Text
zope25-TinyTablePlus Improved TinyTable
zope25-XMLWidgets Dynamic translations of ParsedXML documents to HTML
zope25-Zippy Insert random 'Zippy the Pinhead' quotes into your documents
zope25-ZMySQLDA MySQL Database adaptor for Zope
zope25-ZNavigator Creating navigation bars
zope25-zopebook Documentation for Zope-2.5
zope25-ZPhotoSlides Present your photos quickly in zope
zope25-ZPsycopgDA PostgreSQL database adapter for Zope
zope25-ZWeather Display the weather in a pleasant format
zope25-ZWiki Wiki clone for Zope
zope29 Zope, the Z Object Publishing Environment
zope3 Zope 3 Application Server
zopeedit Helper client application for Zope's ExternalEditor